Thursday, November 15, 2012


Something was not right.  In the distance I heard a small child screaming and crying and an older man yelling.  I could tell by the breathiness of his screams he was hitting something.  My heart raced, and all my senses hyper-focused. 

I ran toward the sound, my supernatural speed closing the distance in moments not minutes.

He stood over the child, a girl and he was kicking her with all his force.  She had curled up in a ball and was not moving.  I could smell the blood on both of them.  I listened for her heartbeat as I moved from the shadows toward the man.  It still beat.

“Big man are we now?  It really takes a tough, brute of a man to beat a poor defenseless child doesn't it?  Working your way up the food chain are you?  Next will it be women?” I said in in my most contemptible voice.

“Who the fuck are you bitch?” he said looking me up and down, “You look like you would make a nice piece of ass to make my night.  So small, so petite.  And just look at those long red trusses of hair,” He purred.

I stood my ground, not moving.  I stared at him and slowly reached out with my power and touched the edge of his thoughts.  I shivered involuntarily.  Oh he was one bad piece of work.  Frank, his name was Frank, worthless piece of shit. 

“So Frank, you think you can just take whatever you want, including me, is that it?” I asked him, challenging him.  “You aren't man enough to handle me.  I would eat you alive.”

“How did you know my name?  Do I know you?  No, nice piece of ass like you, I’d remember you.  Who sent you?  Ahh, it doesn't matter, it must be a present from the heavens.”

“You think so do you?  You want a piece of this?  Only in your wildest dreams,” I retorted.

“Ha ha ha.  Never met a bitch so full of herself.  You’ll be a lot of fun to break.” He said as he started toward me.” 

I could smell the blood from the little girl, not a dangerous loss yet.  Her heart is still beating strongly.  I can focus on this bastard.

“Come on Frank, take your best shot, I’m just a little girly, girl after all, I shouldn't be that much of a challenge, now should I.” I said to him waiting for him to move further away from the child.

I scanned the area, listening for any witnesses.  Looks like ol’ Frank was a little smarter than he looked, no one was stirring. 

I backed into the shadows and he moved faster.

“Trying to hide from me whore?” he said as he rushed into the shadows.  I struck.  He never saw me coming.

I ran at him, faster than he could follow and I grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the wall.  My fingers dug into his skin as I slowly lifted him off the ground.

Fear gripped his eyes, but he couldn't speak.  I moved my face close to his and squeezed tighter on his neck.  “Not the biggest, baddest monsters on the street are you Frank?  You get off on hurting those smaller than you; I can see it in your mind.  I caught his eyes and held them, you will remember how it feels to be on the other end.”  I broke the contact.  I wanted him to feel the fear.

His hands reached for mine, clawing at them, trying to find release.  He kicked out and I pinned his legs to the wall.  His eyes started to water and I laughed.  “How does it feel Frank?  Scared are we?”

I lowered his body back down on the ground and kept him pinned there as I listened to the flawless sound of his heart as it raced and pumped.  Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.

I could now smell the blood in his body, the warmth, the heat of it, intoxicating.  His breath brushed along my skin, such lushness.  I pushed my mouth against his neck and felt the pulse throb against my lips.  Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.  My body was drawn to the sound of it, even as he pushed and pried at me for release.  I just pushed him harder against the wall.  He couldn't move.  He was mine. 

“Frank,” I murmured against the skin of his neck, “You should leave women and children alone.”

I bent his neck to the side and felt my fangs spring forth and I acted without thought.  I was mesmerized, thump-thump, thump-thump thump-thump.  I sank my teeth into his neck and shivered as the first trickles of blood touched my tongue and slid softly down my throat, bursting into a flow of ecstasy.  It caressed my mind, my body, my soul.  I lavished in the taste of it, in the smell of it.  It coursed through me and it was heady.  I could feel the man struggle against me and that made it all the more exciting.  Oh, my beautiful little monster you are orgasmic, I can feel my body trembling against his.  My body grew hot and buoyant.  I never wanted to feel it end, but it had to.  I could feel his pulse slow.  I had to stop, but oh my, I didn't want to, he tasted so good, so vile. 

I shivered one last time and released him, licking the wound and watching the puncture marks disappear.  I took one last look at my ugly little rag doll and without another thought for him, tossed him into the trash along the alley.  He’d live.

I shook my head, trying to shake the rush of so much blood.  My focus had to now be the child,  the poor child.  I ran over to the small crumpled form and held her closely against my body.  It was the surest way to inspect her body.  I could sense broken bones: ribs, wrist, leg, painful but recoverable.  She had a pretty bad head wound, but there was no internal bleeding.  I had gotten to her in time.  I sighed with relief but my heart ached for her, the fear and pain she had experienced.  She was an innocent and did not deserve this. 

“Damn you frank, she had no way to fight back.” I yelled aloud.

I held her even closer to my body and looked down at her face, so small, so round.  Her eyes were blackened and her lip was still bleeding.  I reached out with my power and called on the elements.  I wove a net of healing around us, laying it down over the injured child’s head.  I felt the spell slowly, lightly caress her skin and knit the wound closed. 

I looked up at the heavens, “Thank you Danu!  Thank you elements!  I pay you honor for this child’s life.”

I touched her skin, she was cold.  I pulled off my coat and wrapped it around us, sealing in my new found body and warm her.  Gingerly, I touched the very surface of her thoughts gently probing for her name, Rachael Jamison.  I moved gradually a little deeper.  She lived with her mom and this man, Frank.  He was her mom’s boyfriend.  I reached deeper and got her address and filed it in my mind.  Then I released her.  It would not dig deeper, I had no right.  She had done me no harm.  I wiped the hair out of her face and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“Rachel, I promise you this will not happen again.” I said. 

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and dialed 911.  I reported the attack and told them that the child was down. 

I then called Susan Baker and explained to her what had really happened.  Without question, as always, she said she would meet Rachael at the hospital.  Susan had a way with people, a “special” way.  She would evaluate the mother with her own methods and then Rachael and put one or both of them into one of my facilities and get them all the help humanly possible.

While I waited, I wrapped Rachel in my coat and stepped away.  I ripped and tore at my clothes and rubbed dirt on my face and clothes.  I already had Franks and Rachael’s blood on me, so that it was easy.  I looked like I’d been attacked so the police would believe me.  Mind control works well for a while, but in today’s society, forensics makes things more of a challenge. 

I walked over and kicked Frank in a few well-placed spots including the head.  Poor Frank, he really shouldn't have tried to kill Rachael and then try to rape and threaten to kill me.

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